Action 39 Adventure 25 Comedy 18 Drama 15 Animation 11
Showing posts with the label Drama
Mush Blogger New Moon: A Darker and More Thrilling Chapter of the Twilight Saga
Mush Blogger The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2: A Thrilling and Satisfying Conclusion
Mush Blogger The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1: A Controversial and Shocking Chapter
Mush Blogger The Twilight Saga: Eclipse - A Love Triangle with Fangs and Fur
Mush Blogger Message from the King: A Dark and Brutal Revenge Thriller

Message from the King: A Dark and Brutal Revenge Thriller

Dunia Film - Message from the King: A Dark and Brutal Re…
3 min
Mush Blogger Mustang: A Powerful Portrait of Sisterhood and Rebellion in Turkey

Mustang: A Powerful Portrait of Sisterhood and Rebellion in Turkey

Dunia Film - Mustang: A Powerful Portrait of Sisterhood …
3 min
Mush Blogger How Captain Fantastic Challenges the Modern Society with a Radical Family
3 min
Mush Blogger Twilight: A Dark and Enchanting Romance Between a Human and a Vampire
Mush Blogger How Australia Failed to Deliver an Epic Adventure

How Australia Failed to Deliver an Epic Adventure

Dunia Film - How Australia Failed to Deliver an Epic Adv…
2 min
Mush Blogger Max Payne: A Detective Film That Fails to Capture the Essence of the Video Game
Mush Blogger The X-Files: I Want to Believe - A Disappointing Return for Mulder and Scully
Mush Blogger The Dark Knight: A Masterpiece of Psychological Thriller and Moral Dilemma
Mush Blogger How to Laugh Out Loud with Vampires: A Review of What We Do in the Shadows
Mush Blogger How It Follows Breaks the Rules of Horror Movies

How It Follows Breaks the Rules of Horror Movies

Dunia Film - How It Follows Breaks the Rules of Horror M…
2 min
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