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How It Follows Breaks the Rules of Horror Movies

How It Follows Breaks the Rules of Horror Movies

Dunia Film - How It Follows Breaks the Rules of Horror Movies. Horror movies are often predictable and formulaic, following the same tropes and clichés that have been used for decades.

However, every once in a while, a horror movie comes along that challenges the conventions of the genre and offers something fresh and original. One such movie is It Follows, a 2014 film directed by David Robert Mitchell.

It Follows is a story of a young woman named Jay, who after a seemingly innocent sexual encounter, is cursed by a mysterious entity that follows her wherever she goes.

The only way to get rid of it is to pass it on to someone else by having sex with them. However, if the person she passes it on to dies, it will come back to her.

The entity can take any human form, and it is relentless in its pursuit. It follows Jay at a walking pace, but it never stops or rests.

What Makes It Follows Different from Other Horror Movies?

It Follows is different from other horror movies in many ways. Here are some of the aspects that make it stand out:

1. Clear explanation or origin for the entity

Unlike most horror movies that rely on exposition or backstory to explain the source of the evil, It Follows leaves the entity ambiguous and mysterious.

We never learn where it came from, why it exists, or what it wants. This adds to the sense of dread and uncertainty that the characters and the audience feel.

2. Jump scares or gore

Jump scares and gore are common elements in horror movies, used to shock and frighten the viewers. However, It Follows avoids these cheap tricks and instead relies on suspense and atmosphere to create tension and fear.

The entity is not shown in a sudden or violent way, but rather in a slow and subtle way, often blending in with the background or the crowd.

The movie also does not show any graphic violence or blood, but rather implies the consequences of the entity's attacks.

3. Unique and original premise

The idea of a sexually transmitted curse that follows you until you pass it on or die is a novel and intriguing concept that has not been done before in horror movies.

It also explores themes such as sexuality, mortality, and trust in a nuanced and thoughtful way. The movie does not moralize or judge the characters for their sexual choices, but rather shows how they cope with the situation and the implications of their actions.

4. Retro and timeless aesthetic

The movie has a distinctive visual style that evokes the feel of classic horror movies from the 70s and 80s, such as Halloween and The Thing.

The movie uses a lot of wide shots, long takes, and tracking shots to create a sense of space and movement. The movie also has a synth-heavy score that adds to the mood and tone of the movie.

The movie also avoids using modern technology or references, such as cell phones or internet, to create a timeless and universal setting that could be anywhere and anytime.


Why Should You Watch It Follows?

It Follows is a horror movie that breaks the rules of the genre and delivers a fresh and original experience. It is a movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat and make you question your surroundings and your choices.

It is a movie that will haunt you long after you watch it. It is a movie that you should not miss.

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